Methods and tips to stop biting your nails

Many people have this unpleasant habit of biting their nails. This is not only an unsightly act, but it could permanently damage teeth or nails. To combat such a reflex, there are several methods to stop biting your nails. In this guide, Maryton nail supply will give you several solutions and tips.

Find other ways to channel your energy

To occupy your mouth and avoid biting your nails, do not hesitate to bring a bag of almonds or small “light” treats of this type such as dried fruits. To combat boredom, you should chew gum, which will occupy your mouth for a given time while sparing your fingers.

When dealing with anxiety, it will be very useful for you to perform short breathing exercises or play with an anti-stress ball in order to channel your energy in another way. In addition, opting for sporting activities during the week will allow you to calm your mind. It’s a real way to optimize your self-esteem.

Keep your hands busy

Finding new habits to keep your hands busy will help you avoid fingernail contact with your mouth. That said, every time you want to bite your nails, don’t hesitate to play with an object, distract your hands or handle some modeling clay that you can keep with you at all times.

Opt for a bitter-tasting varnish

It is very easy to find varnishes with a bitter taste. These are non-toxic and safe substances that will hold you back even if you try to bite your nails, out of forgetfulness, thanks to their unpleasant taste.

We also advise you to apply a coat of transparent varnish after applying your bitter varnish. This solution will allow you to obtain smooth nails and you will therefore have difficulty damaging them on purpose.

Dress the nails to avoid biting them

Putting bandages on all your nails is certainly very naughty, but it will deprive you of any desire to bite your nails. To get there, you have to keep it up every day. Don’t hesitate to replace them after each shower or when it gets dirty.

Hoping that this article has pleased you and will give you ideas! In addition, I recommend investing in some professional manicure sets to care for your nails.

Read also: Why do you have to go to a salon for applying false gel nails?

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